Successfully Dealing with Stress

Register to the session

Self Help Conference Room September 24, 2016 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Janice Williams

Attend this seminar to learn how to live with and handle the stress of day-to-day life.  Gain tips on how to handle the things your find difficult or overwhelming and not let stress eat at you.  You will be provided with a workbook to apply what you have learned at home.  The session is 90 minutes with a 30 minute Q&A session immediately following the presentation.

Class Registration:  Register for free; suggested donation is $65.00 per person to cover space and handouts

Successfully Dealing with Stress

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How to register?

Attend this seminar to learn to successfully navigate the ups and downs, twists and turns that life presents you with every day. You will receive information via a lecture and have time to ask questions. You will be provided with a workbook to apply what you have learned at home. Feel free to attend them one, some or all.